Road of the Dead, Racing in Zombie Post Apocalypse World – One of the Top Zombie Games on Shock Shed Website – Professional Voiceovers and Cool S. Effects in Road of the Dead Game.
Arrow Keys to Drive
Why is it when someone mentioned zombie and racing in same context, everybody assumes it’s about Earn to Die game. There are other cool zombie games too you know… The ones that involve racing that is. One of them is Road of the Dead – with nearly professional voice overs, sound effects and even above average graphics for flash platform. When I say above average, keep in mind the platform is limited and there’s only so much you can build on it.
Road of the Dead Zombie Racing Game on Shock Shed
Publishers:, and
Welcome to Evans City, a city of death in Road of the Dead the game. An excellent racing game that has nothing to do with Earn to Die. The very first thing you see is the extraordinary quality of graphics, zombie models that are nearly flawless and really nice sound effects. Gamer makers have put incredible amount of time in making this game. You drive a vehicle, squash zombies, avoid civilians and other vehicles, avoid collision with solid objects, walls and barricades and keep on going. Not gonna tell anything else, it would be spoiling and we wouldn’t want that would we?
There are three game modes in Road of the Dead game: Police State; Highway to Hell; Dead on Time. Most interesting is the Police State mode, the objective is to get as far as possible while facing military and policy forces on the way. Dead on Time is also fun, you keep driving and killing zombies, each zombie you kill buys you few more seconds to drive. Highway to Hell mode is the key to unlock the special mode – The Great Escape, it is difficult but it worth giving a try.
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